Learning aids
Distance learning programs:
In English: click here
In Bulgarian: change the language to Bulgarian (click on the BG language button in the upper right corner of the page)
Audio recordings with instructions for individual practice (in MP3 format):
1st and 2nd method of Yuan Gong (Tian Yuan and Di Yuan) - order from Vlado
3rd method of Yuan Qigong (Ren Yuan) - order from Vlado
Video recordings with instructions for independent practice (in MP4 format):
1st method of Yuan Gong (Tian Yuan) - order from Vlado
1st and 2nd method of Yuan Gong (Tian Yuan and Di Yuan) - order from Vlado
3rd method of Yuan Qigong (Ren Yuan) - order from Vlado
Books, tutorials, and recordings of Yuan Tze's events in English:
The book Wellbeing begins with YOU. To read the editor's foreword, click here. You can order the book directly from Vlado (BGN30)
Other books and teaching aids in English must be ordered directly from Ren Xue Europe or Ren Xue International
Gift vouchers for the following activities: